
Tight Wire

Tight Wire

Dancing Girl Press, 2016
Available for purchase here

The Place of No Magic

It's somewhere over a bridge made of triangles (for obvious reasons). Wallets never burst into flame, there's nothing hiding in anyone's ear, and rabbits are just rabbits. There's a peace there that we cannot imagine because we have been taught tricks. The disappearing cabinet, the guy at the party who doesn't know how to introduce himself, "Pick a card," or better, he unpacks 100 scarves from his palm to help you fall in love. The truth is I hate magicians only slightly less than clowns—so starved for attention that they are willing to hold their breath underwater while wearing a straight jacket. They do it because we watch them and we wait, and maybe hope, a little, that they fail. Hope that the trick ends in death and the bridge to that place, the place of no magic appears because we want an access point, a slight of hand, where a spectacle in a cape with a wand can vanish through those triangular shapes.